Classes, Seminars and Training

  • Grief Education and Support Group Training –  A one day training session for Church leaders and members who have a heart for helping the bereaved heal.
  • Personal and Spiritual growth classes and seminars –  Sample  topics: Anger, Depression, Dealing with Offenses, and  Breaking the Chains of Fear
  • Relationship Education Seminars – Topics such as:  How to change painful, unfulfilling relationship patterns and How to Let Go of the Pain
  • TOS Ministry of Counseling Training Institute –  For pastors and spiritual leaders who provide godly counsel to members of the body of Christ.


  • Individual and Couple’s telephone counseling

  • Individual and Couples Face to Face counseling

  • Grief Education and Support group training

  • Webinars and Workshops

  • 2-Day Release Seminar

  • TOS Ministry of Counseling Training


  • Abuse-related issues

  • Grief and loss

  • Co-dependency

  • Marriage & Relationships

  • Pre-Marital

  • Spiritual Issues

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